Where to find us
The closest town are: Porto Azzuro about 3,5 kilometres far away, and Capoliveri 6 kilometres far. However a kilometre further there are a supermarket, a fish market, an ATM, and some kiosk that sale fruits, vegetables and local specialities.
Porto Azzurro is a small town with 3000 people about; from the name (which means "blue port") it's possible to imagine its features. In fact it looks as a small colorful port at the sight of who's arriving, and it shines of the sea's blue. In the morning, strolling along the walkway it's possible to see the fishing boats that are coming back into the town, and it's also possible to buy fresh fish from the fishermen. It's important to signalthe hard stones and mineral shops.
Capoliveri, from latin Caput Liberi is a small town of 3000 people about too. It's located up on a hill. It's one of the town that turists love the most, because there are very characteristic places and amazing views, especially during the sunset. During the evening the stalls give life to the town and it's enjoyable to stroll along its small lanes, called "chiassi", while discovering some characteristic places here and there. Capoliveri offers entertainments and distractions also to the youngest tourists with its pubs and clubs.